Jason Sandeaux


Jason Sandeaux is currently doing volunteer work as the Regional Committee member between the Portland area service committee of Narcotics Anonymous and the Pacific Cascade region of Narcotics Anonymous, both nonprofit entities. He has been entrusted by the Portland area to be the voice for the area at the regional level, serves as the PR Educational Outreach Chair, and is embedded in service work on multiple levels in the area. Additionally, he volunteers his time to the Iron Tribe Network, another nonprofit, taking meetings into treatment centers, as well as volunteering his time as a certified Recovery mentor and peer support specialist. Jason’s specialty lies within being an institutional transitional specialist, helping people coming from treatment centers, county jails, prisons and mental health facilities. He enjoys helping inmates reunite with their families, helping them find housing, mental health therapy, and directing them to other nonprofits such as Criminals Anonymous to help them recover from their criminality. After the death of his father in 1981, Jason's mother struggled with supporting he and his sister as a barmaid which eventually led to his mother becoming an alcoholic and struggling to keep the lights on and the bills paid. At 14 he left home, and shortly thereafter entered gang life at an early age of 16. This lasted a span of 22 years.  Along the way he was jailed & institutionalized in 7 countries, but in 2011 found Narcotics Anonymous. Although he slipped and fell a few times throughout his recovery between 2011 and 2018, he came to the end of the road, and finally found a new way to live and had put together 5 years clean by 2023. He is forever grateful for the tools Narcotics Anonymous provided to him to find this new way of life and feels forever indebted.  Jason is a licensed journeyman electrician, once owning and operating his own company, but cannot work due to Long covid. This is why he enjoys doing service work, because he loves giving back to the community that he took so much from and does peer support voluntarily.  Communication, networking, & Outreach skills are his superpowers.  He is able to communicate and relate to many different types of people in most every demographic.  He is a proud father of a daughter who followed in his footsteps taking four years clean and a son, who he hopes to be reunited with sometime in the future.  

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